Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Point is.....

I get to the end of so many days, especially those spent home, alone - and wonder "What, exactly, is the point?"   Like the old song: "Is this all there is?"    Even writing in here I have interpreted that in various ways......I'm a Scorpio, I am not content with a quiet life. I need to take on challenges, have everything called from me. And yet it takes a lot from me to conduct my current life.....perhaps precisely because of it's quietude. But tonite I thought for the first time (tho it seems logical) perhaps the Point Is....precisely how one conducts one's life, whatever it happens to consist of. 

On my wall I have my own writing: "What if all my Doing here were from a state of Grace?" What if all my doing were from a state of Grace? Well I think I will "chew" on that for a few days.

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