Sunday, April 09, 2006

Headed for a New Life

I am actually headed for a NEW LIFE.
It is interesting to think how much might be new, and how much of my present self I will take with me.
According to Astrocartography, I will be more MYSELF than I have ever least since I left the longitude of my birth. But what will that be?
I imagine myself in an apartment above the street....enough above that I can see the greenery on the hills beyond town, and the volcanoes that enclose the area. I imagine it spare and light and colorful. Room to eat and sleep and write, no more.
And I imagine I will write............about making a new life, about the culture of childrearing and parenting in a new country, about finding out what parts of my career/work might be useful in this new town/country/culture. I imagine I will write a lot about HOW one finds one's serendipidy works.
I imagine, at times, that I will find ways to recreate the life I have here........not the gardening or animals, certainly, but perhaps a group of women to connect with, maybe counseling clients even, and when I am dancing to music in my living room here, I imagine I will teach Authentic Movement, or create a dance jam or class. Who knows?
I might end up working in the jungle or the mountains and living in a tent or small cottage. I might end up leaving Guatemala for another country............No se'.
And WILL I learn to be fluent in Spanish??? A lot depends on that.

No se'.

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